If you love to shop until you drop, here is some useful information about store opening hours:

Downtown Stores are usually open all day, from 10 am to 7:30 pm (in winter) or 8 pm (in summer). However, in the suburbs, stores close between 1 pm and 4 pm for lunch break.

Here some of the most popoular shooping streets:

  • Casual shopping: via del Corso, via Nazionale, via Barberini, via dei Giubonnari, via Cola di Rienzo, Viale Ottaviano
  • Luxury brands: Via Condotti (just in front of the Spanish Steps) and all the nearby streets.

If you prefer big malls, not too far from down town (25-30 minutes by taxi or shuttle) you can find:

  • Castel Romano Designer Outlet, where you can find many designer fashion collections (over 140 stores) at reduced price. You need to drive there, by car, by taxi or by shuttle. This last one leaves from Via Marsala (outside Termini Station) and costs €15 for a return trip. https://www.mcarthurglen.com/outlets/en/it/designer-outlet-castel-romano/plan-your-visit/
  • Concept Mall Euroma2, it’s the closest mall to downtown. It’s about 20-25 minute taxi distance. https://www.euroma2.it/en/negozi/

And after so much work, shopping around, maybe you would like to enjoy a coffee break. If so, you should ‘do as the Roman’s do’. Cafés in Italy are actually called ‘Bar’, and because the Italian coffee (espresso or just ‘caffe’ in Italian) is very small, the locals drink it standing at the counter/bar. If you like to drink your coffee while sitting at a table, it will cost more. Why? Italian’s typically don’t tip in a Bar, and if so, just a few cents. If you sit to enjoy your coffee, the price will be higher because you will pay for the waiter’s service. You can expect the same rule if you buy a gelato to take-away vs. enjoying it at a table.

appetito May 30, 2018 Travel Advice no responses